How to access Miller Johnson’s ShareFile system to download (and sometimes upload) files
Here are the steps you will take to access a Miller Johnson ShareFile data room (, where you will have the ability to download (and sometimes upload) files.
Activating account
You should receive an email like this. If this is the first time you used our system, you should have a link to activate an account.

(If you don’t see account creation page, that means you already have an account with us. Just go to forgot password link at
On the account creation page, you need to fill in a phone number that you can receive either a text message or phone call on. If you are using an office phone, you likely will want to pick Voice Call.

After clicking Continue, you should be sent a text or get a phone call with the code to type in.

Next you will create your account password and click Save and Sign In.

You likely will then be taken to a login page. Enter your email address and password you just setup.
You will have to verify by 2 factor again. Pick Text or Phone (use the same method you used during setup)

Enter new code you were sent

You should now have access to the data room or files you were sent.

If you are still having trouble accessing the website after using the steps above, please visit and try logging in again. There is also an option to reset your password on this screen. You can always login to the site in the future by visiting
Still having trouble? Please call the Miller Johnson Help Desk at 616.831.1999.